Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Review: Bethany Bennett's "Good Duke Gone Wild"


Historical Romance



Bethany Bennett

August 20, 2024

Forever (Grand Central Publishing)






Dorian Whitaker, the Duke of Holland, knows he needs to remarry and sire an heir. He has been interested in Miss Danvers for two years. However, she is not Duchess material. Dorian asks Caroline to help dispense his late wife’s library, only to discover solid proof of the woman’s infidelity. Caro not only helps him come to grips with the affair but helps Dorian move past it. Will the difference in their social status stand between Dorian and Caroline? Or will something else keep the two apart?

Miss Caroline “Caro” Danvers is the disowned daughter of a vicar. She writes erotic novels under a pseudonym while working at her uncle’s bookstore. When the Duke of Holland asks for help with his late wife’s library, Caro readily agrees. She discovers the late Duchess’s secret hidden within a few of the books. Caro decides to help Dorian with the mystery behind his late wife’s affair. Things heat up between them, but she knows nothing can come of their relationship. Will Caro reveal her non de plume to Dorian?

Dorian is beyond perfect. He is a man tormented by the failure of his first marriage. I like how the author shows Dorian’s vulnerability when it comes to his wife’s infidelity. I like how he did not place all the blame on her. Dorian knew he was partly responsible for her straying. What I adore the most about Dorian is his acceptance and handling of Gerard. In that era, same sex pairings were taboo. Dorian did not allow Gerard’s preference to color his opinion of the man’s talents.

Caro is a strong and independent woman. She proves that she does not need a man to thrive, just hard work, talent, and determination. I like how Caroline treats Dorian as a person. She is not interested in his title or wealth. Plus, Caro is not afraid to take him to task for his priggish nature. I do have one nitpick about her. I understand Caroline’s refusal to give up her writing career for Dorian. I applaud her for being steadfast about it. However, it feels like she expected Dorian to do all the compromising and changing. That did not sit well with me.

GOOD DUKE GONE WILD is book one in Bethany Bennett’s historical romance series, BLUESTOCKING BOOKSELLERS. I am new to this author’s works. The name of the series is what first piqued my interest. The synopsis made me hit the request button on Netgalley. It sounded like a story I would immensely enjoy. And the book did not disappoint! What I loved the most about the book was the side characters Leo and Gerard. I would be interested in reading their story (if Ms Bennet wrote it or considered writing it).

I will be on the lookout for further installments of this series. I hope the author plans to pair Constance with Oliver. Their interactions made me laugh. I could not help but feel they belonged together.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Review: Christi Caldwell's "The Wolf of Mayfair"


Historical Romance


Christi Caldwell

October 22, 2024






Lord Anthony Blofield, future Duke of Talbert, has a reputation as society’s notorious rake with a cold personality. When his parents leave for the countryside, he relishes his time alone. However, Anthony’s peace is disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious yet unwanted guest. He has no recourse but to allow her to stay until the snowstorm abates. The freckled-faced waif intends to chip away at his frozen, dead heart. Will Anthony learn the truth about Helia’s connection to his passive mother? Or is it all a lie?

Miss Helia Wallace risks the dangers of a snowstorm to seek out the protection of her godmother. She never expected to encounter the woman’s sensual yet cynical son. Helia would rather deal with Anthony’s cold apathy than marry her villainous cousin. She manages to convince the indifferent lord to allow her to stay until the storm stops. Helia cannot ignore her growing attraction to the aloof man. Will Anthony be Helia’s unwitting savior? Or will she be another one of his conquests?

My heart went out to Anthony for everything he endured, especially from his father. It took me a while to realize he is the marquess that Lady Alexandra (A SURE DUKE) was betrothed too. This book helped explain the reasons for his dastardly behavior. The author masterfully redeemed Anthony. The last redeemable hero that won my heart like Anthony did was Sebastian St. Vincent from Lisa Kleypas’ DEVIL IN WINTER. What I adore the most about Anthony is how the author did not change his personality once he fell for Helia. Instead, she blunted the sharp edges of his disposition.

Helia proves that she is the perfect balance for Anthony. She counteracts all his flaws, the sunshine to his grumpiness. I like how Helia is at first afraid of Anthony. Then, as she starts to interact with him, Helia realizes there is a reason for his churlishness. She understands his aloofness is a defense mechanism. What I adore the most about Helia is that she is no beauty by the ton’s strict standards. She accepts her red-hair, freckles, and waif thin form.

THE WOLF OF MAYFAIR is a standalone historical romance by Christi Caldwell. This book does tie in with the author’s THE MCQUOIDS OF MAYFAIR series. The Blofields play a small role in both A SURE DUKE and THE HEIRESS AT SEA. I am happy that the hated Duke of Talbert finally gets his comeuppance. I despised his high-handedness in ASD and THAS.

I hope the author plans to give Anthony’s sister a happy-ever-after. After reading what the duke put Anthony through, I feel she deserves to find love. Heck, I would cackle in glee if she fell for a McQuoid or one of their family members! What a coup that would be.

Friday, June 7, 2024

REVIEW: Jade Lee's "Vixen"


Historical-Chinese Romance



Jade Lee (Kathy Lyons)

June 22, 2024

Dragonblade Publishing






Ko Zhi Hao wants to pass the imperial exam, so he can earn a good appointment to support his family. He travels to Peking to study beneath a master. However, Zhi Hao encounters a bewitching woman he mistakes for a mystical fox spirit. Song Ling Xin is no spirit but a temptation he can ill afford. Their nightly meetings could bring disaster to them both. Can Zhi Hao pass the imperial exams? Or will he be forced to give up on Ling Xin?

Song Ling Xin is the eldest daughter of a prominent bo jue (aka an earl). She has been trained, since birth, to compete in becoming the next Empress of China. However, Ling Xin does not know how to attract the emperor’s notice. She turns to the handsome scholar next door to educate her. Ling Xin takes delight in their forbidden, illicit lessons. Will Ling Xin risk dishonor for Zhi Hao? Or will their romance bring them death?

I admire Ling Xin’s determination to educate herself. She refuses to remain ignorant, even at great peril to her reputation and future. Zhi Hao proves to be so courteous and honorable towards Ling Xin. Any other male would take advantage of her curiosity.

VIXEN is the first book in Jade Lee’s historical-Chinese romance series, FORBIDDEN PLEASURES. This is the first romance I have read which takes place in that time-period of China. It is a nice change-of-pace for me.

I am a HUGE fan of Chinese dramas, particularly the costume dramas. VIXEN’s synopsis made me think of those. I secretly hoped it would be like the shows I love to watch. Sadly, it did not. The story IS enjoyable, but it lacks the mysticism and mood that I adore in my dramas. And something else I cannot put my finger on.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

REVIEW: Karen Marie Monings' "The House of Watch Hill"


Paranormal Romance




Karen Marie Moning

October 01, 2024

William Morrow






Zo Grey has spent most of her life drifting from place-to-lace, belonging nowhere. Her mother’s sudden death sends Zo’s life spinning, uncertain about the future. She receives news that an unknown relative leaves her an inheritance in Divinity, Louisiana. However, it comes with strict rules and stipulations. Zo must live in the house atop Watch Hill, alone, for three years. The house, along with the town, hold numerous secrets - some better left unknown.

Zo took some time to warm up too. It became easier once I understood why she alternated between bouts of grief and anger. It is never easy to find out a loved one kept you ignorant about who you are and your potential. I commiserate with Zo wanting to find out her roots. So much has been denied her for so long. Zo wanted to find a place where she belonged with people who accept her.

THE HOUSE AT WATCH HILL is the first book in Karen Marie Moning’s urban fantasy trilogy, WATCH HILL TRILOGY. I have always enjoyed the author’s time travel/ highlander romances. Her Fever series, not so much. This trilogy has the same vibe.

However, I like the author’s unique spin on witches and vampires. That aspect kept my interest piqued throughout the book, wanting to learn more. I hope Moning plans to explore the three kinds of witches, especially the grey, in the books to come.

Oh, I also feel this trilogy would make an awesome movie or television series. It is just the feeling I get, especially with the paranormal shows out nowadays.