Friday, July 9, 2021

Review: Laughing Under the Clouds, Volume 3


Soramaru desperately wants Abe no Sousei – Yamainu’s leader- to teach him. He wants to catch up to his older brother Tenka. Sora first needs to complete a task for the Yamainu: infiltrate Gokumonjo and investigate the strange dealings going on there.

But will he find more than what he bargains for? Living nightmares? Or a possible ally? What will they learn about Orochi’s vessel?

I like that Sora is coming to terms with some things. He still has room for growth… but at what cost?

Tenka still makes the manga funny! I love his antics! He has always been my favorite. Still is!

This volume really gets you in the feels. So angsty! It moved me to tears!

This makes me want to re-watch the anime!

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